Business setup in Dubai is a great way to take advantage of all the great opportunities the UAE has to offer. A civil company is one of the ideal options that you can consider. It will enable you to create a name for yourself and your field of specialization in the region. We have put down some more information about civil company formation in the UAE for those of you who want a business setup in Dubai. Foreign entrepreneurs who want a business setup in Dubai are faced with several choices. You could set up in one of the many free zones in the UAE. To benefit from zero corporate and personal tax rates, 100% repatriation of profits, and 100% foreign ownership. Alternatively, you can set up an LLC on the UAE mainland. While the last option does require handing over a 51% stake in your business to a local sponsor, it also offers full access to the local UAE marketplace – something free zone businesses do not offer.
There is also a third option for foreign entrepreneurs, which is civil company formation in the UAE. It includes 100% ownership and access to the local market, but does involve unlimited liability. Civil company formation in the UAE is available to qualified professionals in specialist sectors. Civil companies must be established as partnerships with business owners holding professional qualifications in their field of expertise. Business Setup in Dubai Are you a qualified professional looking to make a name in the local market? Then it is important to understand whether a civil company formation in the UAE is the best option for you. Here are the benefits of civil company formation in the UAE.
Contact us today
These are some of the things you need to know about business setup in Dubai, particularly about civil company formation in the UAE. To ensure a hassle-free process, get in touch with Aston Advisory Group and we will help guide you every step of the way.
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